Saw me live at Metal Gear Solid Store?

Well well well, it’s been a quite busy summer for me working on the international release of Metal Gear Solid V – The Phantom Pain. First in July i did some illustrations for « Metal Gear Solid V : The 80’s Fan Art Experience” art show in Paris (learn more HERE). Then Konami asked me to work on their MGSV store & MGSV cafe in Paris. So i have decided to work on a big painting (kakemono style) (150×50 cm). The store opening was a huge succes for Konami and for the fans. During that event i have worked on a custom Berlin Boombox (MGSV style of course) in front of Press, V.I.P, and happy few fans.

Over all the work i did this summer for Konami, it was a real pleasure to work on that event because in the first place i am such fan of the MGS saga. Thanks again Konami.

Cherry on the cake Hideo KOJIMA himself seems to like my work! #proud (Tweeter picture).

Here is an interview about all that (french content)


Julien Chieze on Gameblog using one of my illustrations

Julien Chieze on Gameblog using one of my illustrations


Hideo Kojima himself likes my work on Tweeter ! #proud

Hideo Kojima himself likes my work on Tweeter ! #proud