Well well well, it’s been a quite busy summer for me working on the international release of Metal Gear Solid V – The Phantom Pain. First in July i did some illustrations for “Metal Gear Solid V : The 80’s Fan Art Experience” art show in Paris (learn more HERE). Then Konami asked me to work on their MGSV store & MGSV cafe in Paris. So i have decided to work on a big painting (kakemono style) (150×50 cm). The store opening was a huge succes for Konami and for the fans. During that event i have worked on a custom Berlin Boombox (MGSV style of course) in front of Press, V.I.P, and happy few fans.
Over all the work i did this summer for Konami, it was a real pleasure to work on that event because in the first place i am such fan of the MGS saga. Thanks again Konami.
Cherry on the cake Hideo KOJIMA himself seems to like my work! #proud (Tweeter picture).
Here is an interview about all that (french content)